Best Ayurvedic Ophthalmology Clinic in Ernakulam

Best Ayurvedic Ophthalmology Clinic in Ernakulam

At Dr. Afzal's Ayurveda Ophthalmology & Ent Clinic, we know that modern medicine is nothing short of miraculous. However, people can be too quick to request prescriptions to cure what ails us when the answer for some health conditions can lie in Ayurveda medicine. We provides treatment for all Ophthalmic conditions like diabetic retinopathy, CSR, CNVM, Dry eye syndrome, Corneal diseases, uveitis, ARMD, Macular oedema, Keratoconus, squint, ptosis, Retinitis pigmentosa(RP) etc. We also provide special & effective treatments to avoid spectacles in Refractive errors like Myopia, Hypermetropia etc. and has special medicines to treat Ambyopia (lazy eye), High Myope, Astigmatism etc. We provide treatment for general ailments also. As well as providing much needed rest and relaxation, our holistic Ayurveda clinic offers treatments like Cupping, Siravedha, Agnikarma, Prachaana, Jalookavacharana etc. for conditions like Arthritis, Joint pains, Osteopathy, Osteoarthritis, Cervical spondylosis, Lumbar spondylosis etc. We're based in Ernakulam, and you can arrange for an appointment on +919995011443.